Catoosa County, GA
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*All land disturbance sites that are creating 5,000 sq feet of impervious surface or disturbing an acre or more of soil have to abide by the Manual above.
Stormwater Management
Our Mission
To effectively and efficiently manage stormwater runoff and protect the safety, property and environmental quality of unincorporated Catoosa County.
Catoosa County is required by law to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater NPDES Phase II Permit Program. This program requires that all regulated communities, including Catoosa County, prepare stormwater management plans to control runoff of stormwater from both point and non-point pollution sources.
Under the Federal Clean Water Act, each county and municipality throughout the nation is issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The goal of the permit is to stop polluted discharges from entering the storm drain system and local waterways. The Catoosa County Stormwater Management Department's pollution abatement projects are designed to meet the requirements of the NPDES Permit.
The Stormwater Program has two major elements — Reduce Pollution and Flood Control. Pollution Abatement involves compliance with federal regulations, and in essence, constitutes the model program components (i.e., Public Education, Inspection/Enforcement, Illicit Discharges/Illicit Connections, Program Compliance) while Flood Control is essential for the protection of life and property.
A major focus of the program is the control and elimination of stormwater pollution through compliance with the NPDES municipal stormwater permit.
Flooding, Erosion or Drainage Concerns? On-site visits and technical assistance are provided to residents who are experiencing problems in areas of flooding and drainage, or for those who want recommendations on how to retrofit an existing property. Please direct your inquiries to the Stormwater Management Office at 706-965-3787.